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Video Annotations (Overlays) with Customization
Video Annotations (Overlays) with Customization

Downloading CCTV videos with text and audio overlays

Seth Nickinson avatar
Written by Seth Nickinson
Updated over a week ago

We have added new flexibility and speed to Pioneer's ability to add custom text and audio overlays to your videos.


  • You can apply different templates to your overlays

  • We can make custom templates for you to meet a spec, if needed. We can alter colors, text style, and the fields displayed.

  • Overlays can be previewed when reviewing a video, or just before download/export

  • You can choose to have just text, or text & audio, and choose from: initial header splash screen, running text at the top of every frame, observation/condition overlays, and even a distance counter if your source video was missing it.

Applying Annotations at Download / Export

  1. Select a project or individual inspections to Download as you normally would (detailed article here)

  2. If you are downloading PACP or LACP inspections (no MACP yet) and select "Videos" you are presented an option to add "Text and Audio Annotations"

  3. By default, we will apply

    1. the Pioneer default template style

    2. the initial Header Splash screen

    3. Observation / Condition overlays

    4. Audio

  4. You will be shown a playable preview of your overlays (no audio at this stage)

  5. When you are satisfied, you can name your download and press "Package" as always

Template Choices

Right now template choices in Pioneer include

  1. The DEFAULT - transparent blue background, sans serif white font, meant to optimize visibility

2, 2020/2021, white serif text on no background, mirroring what Pioneer used for the last few years

3. Traditional template from our industry, serif white text on a light grey background

4. an Opaque grey background, in case you want to user Pioneer to write over existing incorrect overlays

Custom Templates for You

Please contact customer success if you need a custom template built to your specs.

We can customize

  • Background colors

  • Text size and colors, font style

  • Alignment and box size

  • Which fields are displayed

  • How long things pause on screen

  • the Voice!

  • and much more...

Previewing Overlays in Pioneer During Video Review

On your typical inspection review page, you can now apply and preview an overlay template.

Use the small gear icon above the video playback window. You can use the dropdown menu to select between templates.

Note: currently, this preview shows you ALL the fields - initial header splash screen, running text on every frame, observations and distance counter. As mentioned above, during Download you have the option to turn those on and off. Also, the preview does not currently include audio or insert pauses.

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