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Managing Your Inspections

How to organize and manage sewer inspections

Seth Nickinson avatar
Written by Seth Nickinson
Updated over a week ago

The Dashboard, or List View, displays all of the inspections we have in our system for your user account. You can use our powerful filters to locate just the data you want to manage, and use the ">" at the far right to view any given inspection.

(If you need additional permissions because you do not see a project or inspection, please contact your Admin or chat with us online)

Please view this helpful video for a quick tour of the Pioneer platform.

The Statistics Circles

The circles at the top of the page provide information about your data:

"Uploaded" = how many inspections you have loaded to Pioneer (note, this is whether a video arrived or not, in the event you just provided a database)

"AutoCode Complete" = how many inspections you asked SewerAI to conduct condition assessment on that are complete. 'AutoCode' is our combination of AI and human--powered process.

"Marked Reviewed" =how many inspections someone from your organization has opened, viewed and manually clicked the "Marked Reviewed" button for (note: this is an optional step and not required for using the platform or packaging submittals)

"with Errors" = how many inspections contain one or more NASSCO validation errors; below that is the raw number of errors. These errors will need to be corrected to Download a submittal.

Filtering and Searching

We provide a powerful set of Filters and Searches to allow you to locate just the inspection data you need. The most commonly used filter is "Project," i.e. the name you provided for a batch of data at Upload. But you can also search City, Maintenance Hole, or any of a range of information.

"Code" allows you to search for any inspection that contains a specific (or one of several) NASSCO condition assessment codes.

"File Name" helps you search the original video name, should you want to.

The List Itself

The inspection list table provides summary information to help you locate an inspection.

By clicking on the chevron, or ">" at the far right, you can enter the detailed view of a single inspection.

The list view has a default ordering system according to:

  1. Date the Project was created (newest first)

  2. Inspection Date within the project (newest first)

The list view will automatically paginate - that is, gather more data - every 25 inspections.

Pro Tip: collapse the statistics circles and filters to gain more real estate on your screen.

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